Everything in life happens by the Divine will. The good and the bad in our eyes are all by the hand of G-d.

Just yesterday, I had the opportunity to learn with a member of the community the psalm for his upcoming birthday. It was psalm 56, and there was one verse that stuck out to me as I was teaching it. Verse 11 states: “With God[‘s justice] I will praise a word; with the Lord[‘s kindness] I will praise a word.” It means to say that no matter what G-d sends to you, he should praised.

A few hours after the study session, I called another member of the community to see how she was doing. From her voice, I could tell she was not well. I shared with her the teaching from the verse, that no matter what happens in life she is never alone. The hand of Hashem is guiding her. The bad of today, could really be the good of tomorrow. We just never know.  An even higher level of belief is when one sees that all that happens is for the good. Not everybody is on that level, but definitely should realize that a thumbs down could/is a thumbs up.

Today, G-d decided to see whether I was just teaching his teachings with my mouth but not with my actions. Therefore, Hashem sent me some “bad” news today. Something that we had been working on for the past 6+ months will now have to be shelved. Not because of lack of financing. Thank you for those that consider that the issue, but because the partner gave up on the project.

Until this point, I thought my partner was “Mr. X,” and Hashem reminded me that my only true partner is Him. Whatever he has in store for us, we need to recognize that it is good and worth his praise. If we do that, it will all turn out right.





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